From Wall Street to the Stars

If you had told me back in 2019 that I would leave my finance career to dedicate my life to astrology…I would’ve probably been intrigued by the thought, but highly suspect of its plausibility. And yet, in 2022, after having just been promoted to Vice President, I resigned to do just that.

Some told me I was crazy. Many were supportive. But everyone certainly had questions.

It was hard to explain why I felt so called to pursue a completely different existence (for the astrology-literate folks in the room, it was my Saturn Return). As the daughter of immigrants (Malaysian & Pakistani), this career felt so far out of the purview of possibility. And yet, I took that leap of faith and heeded the universe’s call.

In 2020, when the world shut down and humanity was forced to look within, I had my natal chart read for the first time in my life. That moment changed everything—it felt like my soul had been re-awakened. I learned I was an intuitive healer with an adventurous and independent spirit. I understood why I had to navigate grief early on as part of my karmic path with the loss of my father in college. I realized there was meaning to my life—that the hunger within for more purpose was an internal siren call begging to be answered.

And so, I began my journey immersing myself in this sacred language of the cosmos. Brené Brown in Atlas of the Heart said it best: Language shows us that naming an experience gives us the power of understanding and meaning. In astrology, I found the words and symbols that unearthed meaning behind my life choices, circumstances, and existence. Through the words of astrology, I found purpose.

So what is my purpose? I’m a cosmic storyteller here to help you craft and find meaning in the story of your life. I hold space for those looking to be seen and go deeper within. I act as a mirror and a messenger, reflecting what you might’ve felt but perhaps a little too hesitant to vocalize. As an evolutionary astrologer, I believe in each individual’s highest potential and the power of free will to co-create a more aligned reality with our karmic blueprint.

When I’m not busy analyzing my clients’ soul plans or forecasting the week’s energies through my newsletter (sign up below for weekly updates!), I moonlight as a pop culture pundit, analyzing celebrities and headline news through an astrological lens.

Thank you for taking the time to learn more about me. I’m excited to get to know you deeper through our conversations.